It was a very very quiet day in the shop today, thanks to all this rain! But here are two lovely ladies who braved the deluge in order to brighten eachothers day over coffee.
Miss T on the right is particularly happy because she is just about to tuck into one of the new Gluten Free Chocolate Brownies on offer in the Cafe.
Miss T on the right is particularly happy because she is just about to tuck into one of the new Gluten Free Chocolate Brownies on offer in the Cafe.
It just so happens, that in her last job, Chief Treat Orderer, Julia, organised weddings (amongst other things) and was once asked by a Texan hieress' mother to provide for her vegetarian guests "cayrots" (put on best southern accent in manner of Scarlett O'hara) while everyone else tucked into Roast Lamb with all the trimmings. This didn't seem to be much in the spirit of sharing or celebration and ever since then (well, before then actually but lets not go into that), Julia has asserted at every opportunity that just because certain people don't eat certain things, it doesn't mean to say that they wouldn't like to eat nice things the same as everyone else. And that's why she always makes sure there's something lovely for everyone.